Planning Advisory Board

Member of Langley’s Planning Advisory Board: 2011-2013 & 2018-2019
Chair of Langley’s Planning Advisory Board: 2012-2013 and 2018-2019

Land Use Matrix Development

As a member of the Planning Advisory Board (PAB), I actively contributed to the development of the Land Use Matrix. This foundational tool serves as a guide for responsible land use planning, ensuring that our city’s growth aligns with our community’s values and needs.

Second Street Design Team

I played a pivotal role in the Second Street design team, working to enhance one of the vital corridors of our town. This experience allowed me to collaborate with experts and community members to create a vision that balances functionality, aesthetics, and the unique character of Langley.

Website Software Selection

My commitment to progress extended to the digital realm. I assisted in the selection of updated website software, ensuring that our online presence reflects the dynamism and accessibility that Langley deserves.

Shaping Innovative Policies

Multi-Use Zone: During my tenure on the PAB, I actively participated in shaping the Multi-Use Zone, fostering a diverse and vibrant urban environment that accommodates a range of activities, from residential to commercial.

Innovative Affordable Housing: I championed policies to promote innovative affordable housing solutions. By understanding the unique needs of our community, I worked towards creating options that make Langley a place where everyone can afford to live.

Food Trucks in the City: Recognizing the value and diversity that food trucks bring to our community, I played a role in the allowance of food trucks in the city. This decision not only supports local businesses but adds a dynamic and flavorful aspect to our city life.

Vacation Rentals Control: I worked with the community to ensure that we had common sense rules for vacation rentals in the city. By classifying them based on frequency of use, we attempted to appeal to the desire to have more housing available to live-in full-time, while also respecting property owners rights to use their property as they best see fit. I believe we reached an appropriate compromise at that time.

My experiences on the PAB, involvement in the Second Street design, contributions to the digital presence, and policy shaping underscore my dedication to Langley’s growth, sustainability, and inclusivity. This commitment, paired with a vision for responsible change, defines my approach to shaping Langley’s future.

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