Experience Matters

8 Years on Council • 4+ Years on the Planning Advisory Board2 Years on the Civil Service Board • Council Contact for the Cemetery Board and Library Board

My experience is critical in protecting the future of Langley. At present, Langley has little institutional knowledge left. What remains is highly specialized, limited, and not entirely relevant to the way cities, especially code cities, operate. I have been attending council meetings regularly for over 14 years, and learned what I could through study and asking questions of staff and the numerous resources available to the city and its residents. I have many ideas for how to improve the operation of the city and make it more inviting to the residents, and our entire South Whidbey community. Having experience is knowing that while you may know how it has always been done, it is also the knowledge that someone else may have better ideas. While others will say “no” to new ideas, I will say, “let’s see what what we can make happen.”

Langley works best when everyone comes together for the betterment of everyone. “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations” is one of my core philosophies. There is rarely one correct answer to an issue, and in an ideal world, there are many answers that can be tested in parallel. As Mayor, I would want to ensure that major policies and changes involve the community, to our best ability, to ensure that everyone is listened to. This goes from something as small as ADA access along the city streets and buildings, to new developments, to updating the cities Comprehensive Plan.

Langley is strengthened by its diversity, but we can always improve. But remember diversity isn’t just about easily identifiable differences, or even those that aren’t easily identifiable; but it is also knowledge, experience, and ability. The more we embrace our differences, the better and stronger we can become as a community. A community not focussed on maintaining the status quo, but a community devoted to increasing our diversity and embracing change, even if it is painful or difficult in the short term. We do have a long way to go, on many fronts, but it is my desire to move the city forward to celebrate what makes us each unique.

I have tried to put this forward in my 14 years of service to the city. Be it helping to improve the technical ability and knowhow of the city and the staff. Working as the chair of the Planning Advisory Board, twice, to reduce the barriers for ADUs, multi-family housing; creating creative and innovative programs for better affordability in housing; and working to find reasonable ways for the vacation rental demand in the city to not push out our local employees and community members.

Work continued as the council contact for the Library Board. I helped them and the Friends of Langley Library work to improve the building with better, greener heating options, which also allowed for air conditioning; so the Library could become cooling center in the summer, and a heating center in the winter. The board eventually disbanded, as they felt that most of the continuing work would be best handled by Friends of the Langley Library, and Sno-Isle itself, after Langley fully annexed into the system. I have continued to be an advocate for the library and worked during the recent planned remodeling of the facility, to ensure that the upgrades fit within the context of Langley, and serve the needs of the city.

I chaired the Langley Civil Service Commission for 2 years. While there, we had our first major issue with the Langley Police Department (in some time), and worked to resolve it; as well as hiring a new Police Chief.

For 2, separate, 4-year terms, I have served on the Langley City Council. It has been a rewarding job, and I felt like we accomplished a lot. From reiterating Langley’s commitment to diversity, first through the proclamation of Langley as a Sanctuary City; to the creation of the Dismantling Systemic Racism Commission. Working on bringing the city’s record keeping and community outreach into the 21st Century. Working to ensure the city is on solid financial footing, which is always a work in progress. Working to try to make Langley sustainable and reduce the impact of city operations on our environment, while being mindful of the unintended impacts such actions can have of the community.

As Mayor, I champion policies and initiatives that foster inclusivity, ensuring that all residents have a voice and access to opportunities. I will work tirelessly to break down barriers and create an environment where everyone feels welcome, regardless of their background, ethnicity, gender, age, or abilities. I will work to create housing opportunities for those who work here, that they can afford, and be in surrounding that are comfortable and safe for them. I will enhance our public records access and retention to reduce or eliminate the errors that cost the city so much.

In practical terms, I will actively seek input from all members of our community, engaging in meaningful dialogue to understand their needs and concerns. By promoting transparency and open communication, I will ensure that decision-making processes are inclusive and representative of the diverse voices that make our community thrive.

Under my leadership, our city will become a beacon of inclusivity, where diversity is celebrated, and equal opportunities are accessible to all. Together, we can create a community that embraces “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations” and paves the way for a brighter future for everyone.

Vote for Thomas and support a Mayor who will lead our community towards a more open, inclusive, and harmonious future, where everyone’s unique contributions are valued and embraced.

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